Lucy Burdo Acupuncture
Are you dealing with chronic health issues, pain or allergies that keep you from living the energized and free life you want to live?
Are you interested in drug free, gentle and effective healing techniques? Are you wanting to treat the cause and not just medicate the symptoms of your health issue?
If so, welcome! I offer gentle acupuncture and needle free acupuncture, as well as NAET. These are classic and modern techniques which can help you begin to alleviate your symptoms and enjoy real health. You can improve the quality of your life and begin to embrace the freedom and well being which are your birthright. You can take charge of your or your child’s health and be on the path to feeling well.
Call 617 416-4144 today to make an appointment.

Lucy Burdo Hutchison Lic. Ac. • 617 416-4144 • info@lucyburdo.com
38 Park Place #4
Brattleboro, VT 05301